I am so proud of all the people who have been getting involved in politics for the first time over the last year and a half. It's so inspiring to me to see people all over the country stand up to be counted as something other than sheep.
So much bad has been delayed or avoided by making sure that our congress critters know that we completely disapprove of the things they want to force on us and the changes they've made over this last year. The Tea Party Protests and demonstrations, the Pink Slip campaign and all the of the countless phone calls, emails and letters have communicated that there's something here that they didn't count on. The sleeping giant called the American people is waking again, and there are few forces more powerful.
The challenge is what to do beyond voicing dissatisfaction. I'm pretty sure that the message is getting across. Ultimately, many, if not most of the people in congress and other legislatures can not ever be counted on to do the right thing. So it's time to think of replacements and get them into office. I'll ask the same questions of everyone who reads this post.
- Do you know what the timeframe and process is to get a candidate on the ballot where you live?
- And who do you know that can become the next Adams, Jefferson or Washington?
I crave people to support, and if you let me know who they are, I have a few things I can do to help them.
Keep being great, America!