Thursday, December 02, 2004


Does anyone think that we don't have enough laws these days? Not whether or not they are the right laws; Is there enough sheer volume of law to go around? During my preparation for the recent election, as I was reviewing the various local and state ballot measures, there were a few that I was sufficiently uncertain about that I took the step of reading the actual text of the proposition. I think the last time I read anything so riveting was when I re-financed. This is mighty dry stuff, no matter the merits of how it's supposed to impact society. But there was one little highlight in doing that reading. In the midst of the big blocks of boring legalese, there would be sections that were struck out. As an example, "there would be sections that were struck out."

What a refreshing change! How would it be if we elected some delegislators instead of legislators. These would be people who would peruse the existing laws and come to the conclusion that we are better served by eliminating this one and that. You've probably seen articles over the years that talk about arcane local laws such as not hanging men's and women's clothes on the same clothes line, or don't parade your alligator down main street after dark. We all get a kick out of such irrelevancies. But I'm willing to bet that there are a lot of laws that are a lot more consequential that could be removed as well.

I understand that various legislators such as California State Assemblyman Steve Samuelian from Clovis, and Pennsylvania Representative Douglas Reichley have contests for school children to write essays called, "There Ought To Be A Law." Let's send a few legislators some ideas about, "This shouldn't be a law anymore."

Even better, next election, would you vote for someone who ran, not to be a legislator, but a delegislator?


Anonymous said...

What do you get when you cross Carl Rove with Austin Powers? Steve Samuelian

Anonymous said...

How is that possible? Steve samuelian has more hair on his back than Austin Powers!!!