Tuesday, July 10, 2007

90 seconds of complete attention

Hello again,

Here's a little update on that was very powerful last year. See http://honestdialogue.blogspot.com/2004/12/silly-new-holiday-tradition.html

Back a few years ago, I tried an experiment I called the new years genie. The idea was to ask my friends and colleagues what professional wishes this new mythical character called the New Years Genie might grant for them. For those that took it seriously enough to be the genie's master and command a wish, the experiment took off beautifully, unbelievably well.

More than 75% of the wishes were actually "granted". Employers and employees were matched up. Investors and investments came together. New ventures and partnerships started. Oh, and sales definitely happened. And all told, many millions of dollars of commerce happened, all because of a few moments of focus. And we all had some fun doing it.

90 seconds of complete attention - If you take 90 seconds to think seriously about what would be the absolute most valuable sort of contact or resource, right now, to help you accomplish your goals for the next quarter or year, I will spend at least 90 seconds seeing who and what I can steer your direction to help you accomplish them.

I know it's not even close to new years. But, I figure, what's the point of our being connected, if I can't do you some good. Still no guarantees, but the shipping is always free. Now we know you've got a 75% chance of it paying off in some way. A lot of people find that the simple exercise, of thinking through what the most useful thing would be, is helpful in itself.

So what will it be? What's your goal and what will help the most. If I can grant you one wish, would it be that special customer or client you've been trying to land, new investors, a board member or new talent for your team? What one thing would make the biggest difference for you and your business this year?

I look forward to hearing from you in 90 seconds!

Best wishes for an amazing Q3 and the rest of 2007.


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